“Purple room”, 2018
oil , сanvas
Was born on 29.01.1981 in Leningrad
Education: 2003-2009 – St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design, faculty of monumental and decorative painting
1997-2001 – Rerih Art school, in picturesque-pedagogical branch
2010, 2013 – Cite internationale dea Arts, Paris
- 2014 Nominee of STRABAG art award International
- 2013 Laureate of “Sobaka TOP 50”, Saint-Petersburg
- 2013 Laureate of “Innovation”, National Center of Contemporary Art, Moscow
- 2013 Nominee of “Kuryokhin prize”, Saint-Petersburg
Solo exhibitions:
- 2015 “Strange / Private”, Galerie Iragui, Moscow
- 2014 “Inside Rooms”, Anna Nova gallery, Saint-Petersburg
- 2014 “Process of passing”, First Cadets’ Corpus, Manifesta 10 Parallel Program, Saint-Petersburg
- 2014 “Illusions are scarier than reality”, Gridchinhall, Moscow
- 2014 “Figurative breakdown”, RX gallery, Paris, France
- 2013 “Relocation”, Anikushin museum, Saint-Petersburg
- 2012 “Process of Passing-3”, Anna Nova gallery, Saint-Petersburg
- 2012 “Process of Passing-1”, The 2-nd Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg
- 2011 “Shibari translation”, Orel Art Gallery, Paris, France
- 2011 “Before the rooster crows”, Guelman Gallery, Moscow
- 2010 “NEWS”, Orel Art Gallery, Paris, France
- 2010 “Ideal radiation”, XL Gallery, Moscow
- 2009 “Forward in the past”, Lyuda gallery, Saint-Petersburg
- 2009 “Sculptures”, Pop/Off/Art Gallery, Moscow
- 2009 “Cafel”, Guelman gallery, Moscow
Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
National Center of Contemporary Art, Moscow
Fondazioe la Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy
Private collections in Russia, Latvia, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Korea, U.S.A.